Part 5: The Price to Book Value Ratio
First things first: Unlike stock indicators like P/E ratio or the price-to-cash-flow ratio (P/CF), the P/B ratio is not a measure of a company’s profitability, but rather of its intrinsic value. The stock price should ideally not be lower than the book value per share, as it would then be worthwhile to buy the company, break it up, and sell off the individual parts. Therefore, the book value per share is often considered the “minimum price” for a company’s stocks, or as the price floor.
Price to Book Value Ratio of 1.0 as a price floor?
In terms of the price-to-book value ratio, this means that if the P/B ratio is below 1.0, the company is being valued lower on the stock exchange than its book value. The simple conclusion being that a stock with a P/B ratio below 1.0 is worth buying. However, as you may already suspect, it’s unfortunately not that simple. It can happen that a company’s stock price on the stock market falls below the book value per share (resulting in a P/B ratio below 1.0), and this can occur not only temporarily but also over the long term. This ratio unfortunately does not serve as an “absolute buying criterion” in the sense of “stock price falls below book value per share, so buy”. A low P/B ratio alone is not sufficient as a buying argument. In addition, there are industries such as insurance, trade, or utilities that traditionally have low P/B ratios, while stocks from sectors like internet, semiconductors, or software tend to have high P/B ratios.
Our conclusion:
The P/B ratio has its limitations. Like the P/E ratio, it is most suitable for comparing stocks in the same industry and for historical comparisons. Nevertheless, it is worth considering the price-to-book value ratio in investment decisions. Especially after significant declines in stock prices and during times of crisis, you can identify attractive stocks based on the price-to-book value ratio.
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